5 Signs That You Are Ready for a Vision Quest
Do you ever think about the unlived gifts inside you that you don’t know how to live?
Have you ever felt overwhelmed with how to answer that voice, calling you to live your greater purpose?
Well, the good news is it doesn’t have to be this way.
I’ve put together an easy checklist of some profound experiences you may be having that may be signs you are ready to receive the restorative benefits of a vision quest.
Consider these thoughts-
1. You are stuck at a crossroads or in a life transition.

Ever feel like you’ve got the brakes on in your life? You may be doing the same personal growth strategies, but they are worn out and no longer work for you.
Maybe your inner GPS has run out, and you don’t know which way to turn, so you don’t feel motivated to take any step at all.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
2. You are tired of stumbling through life changes with no vision or plan for yourself.

I remember one of my vision questers who exclaimed at a free introductory meeting I was holding, “I never had any help to become an adult! I just ended up here. I’m a mom with two kids and a job I need but dislike. I have no guidance or direction for my life. I hate this!”
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Is it time for you to have a vision to guide your life and a mentor to support you in moving towards what you would love to be doing, having, being in your life?
3. You are drifting on your path and can’t stay connected to your intention or purpose.

You may plan to meditate every morning or to make a bonfire and drum with your spirits once a week. And you do it once or twice and then the plans just leak away. You may also find yourself drifting in your business or relationships – your intentions have no sticking power.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
4. You have the sense there is something greater awaiting you – your next purpose is calling out to you, and you are excited about it, but you get distracted or overwhelmed with your life circumstances.

So, you push the delay button. You tell yourself “my needs have to wait until after the holidays, until the kids are in school, until this next project at work is done in six months, a year, two years… Until the mortgage is paid… Until I retire…”
And that time never seems to come.
I’m thinking of one of my dear clients named Maria who contacted me after she received a stage 4 diagnosis. She had been a librarian for 30 years and now had only one or two months left to live. She told me her long-time dream was to write her own book and tell her amazing life story about being an immigrant and getting a college degree at night school while raising two kids alone.
Her book died inside of her.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
5. You’ve tried other personal growth programs and maybe didn’t finish them, or you feel they didn’t help you much. You are still searching.

It doesn’t have to be this way.
The Vision Quest is a reliable, proven system for shortening your learning curve on personal renewal and transformation. It has been practiced worldwide for over 60,000 years.
As humans we all have times in our lives when we want new life direction and a guide to help us find our way through the maze of old habits, limiting beliefs, and lack of success. We have large questions, and we seek answers. We strive for healing and need guidance to get to the source of all healing.
There are many names for the Vision Quest. In cultures around the world, it has been called the Walkabout, the Fast Lodge, the Dream Temple, a Rite of Passage.
Hey, I hope you found this useful. In addition to these 5 things, I’ve discovered that there are 3 common factors that hold most people back from Life Purpose.
If you’d like to talk about this and see how to move forward, please book a Vision Breakthrough Session with me where we’ll explore the 3 things that are holding you back from Life Purpose and the #1 thing you need to do to move forward. Hey, as a subscriber to my blog, I want to offer this 40-minute session to you free of charge. I have a limited number of these available so please…
I love what poet Mary Oliver says in her poem, “West Wind”-
One day you knew what you had to do and began…