3 Signs That You Have the Seeds of Shamanism in You

Did you know that shamanism is the world’s oldest spirituality, going back 60,000 years?
Did you know that your ancestors all practiced shamanism thousands of years ago and that your people survived because of the skill of the shamans in the tribe?
Shamanism existed on all the inhabited continents and was the method used by shamans to find the wandering herds of animals for food, to prevent tribal warfare and to create healing in the people.
Without the skills and ceremonies of the shamans the people would have starved and had spiritless lives.
You for sure have spiritual ancestors who were shamans – exciting! And you may have blood ancestors who were shamans as well.
So, you have the seeds of shamanism inside you.
As you know some seeds can lie dormant for thousands of years; others, for tens of thousands of years. And when water, sunlight and soil are added, the seeds come alive.
For me personally, the seeds of shamanism started to grow when my parents took me into our backyard in Michigan and set me down barefooted on the lawn. I could feel the life force and magnetic pull of the earth. My best friends became the roses, the stones in the rock garden, the trees and the moon.
I could feel what I had no words for – beneficent presences, a force reaching out connecting me with love and power.
This connection has grown over the years. Whenever I am in a new country or new city, teaching, the trees, the grasses, the rivers and lakes greet me. I get connected to the powers of that place. It pours right into my work – it feeds me and the teaching.
These powers are everywhere present.
Knowing and growing these seeds of shamanism will connect you to the life force that is all around you. It will strengthen your health and your spiritual path. It will give you a foundation of support so that you will know you are “not alone” on the planet. Help and guidance surround you.
I’d be willing to bet these feelings are stirring in you again. Here are 3 signs that you have the seeds of shamanism in you.
1. The Natural World Calls to You

You may want to start your day with your first cup of coffee or tea, out on your deck or patio. You may choose your vacations based on what the natural world offers you there.
You may turn to nature in times of pain or crisis and find your solace here. You may just revel in the smell of the earth after that first rain or make sure you don’t miss the Perseid meteor showers in August.
Or you may long to be in a fuller relationship with nature after some interruption in your connection with it.
This poem that I wrote when I was living in Mt. Shasta may speak to you.
The stars call out to you,
the trees and streams sing your name
the moon and sun call out to you
the mountains, animals, and ocean, too
saying you belong to a greater whole,
you have a unity with all of life.
You are not alone.
~Beth Beurkens
What if you could be even more in touch with the earth?
2. You Have an Inner Knowing

You may have had experiences of “just knowing” things about people and events, without any obvious evidence pointing to this knowing.
You may “sense” something is about to happen before it occurs. You may dream about things ahead of time or get a “download” about someone or something through a flash of insight or from that still- small voice speaking inside of you.
This can be an unacknowledged shamanic gift you have. It may even lie dormant for periods and then suddenly, it manifests itself again.
Shamans all have this, the gift of seeing with the strong eye.
Because of this ability to “see,” shamans are sometimes called seers.
What if you could develop your gift of seeing even more?
3. You Feel a Strong Longing to Help Others

Shamanism came into being as a way to help others heal, get answers to life questions, and take care of the well-being of the earth and the community.
You may have a gift of listening to others that helps them in their healing. People may naturally gravitate to you and want to tell you, their story.
You may have gone through a dark night of the soul, suffered mightily, and now you have knowledge of how to pass through that “hell,” and you want to share this knowledge with others.
You may not even know “what” you have to share- you just know you want to help others feel better and be free of their hurt and pain. Right?
What if you could help others even more with your gifts?
If you’d like to discover more about being connected to the earth and how to be more in touch with the spiritual gifts inside you, then please join me in my upcoming LIVE, free MasterClass.
You’ll discover all about how to hear the call to your greater purpose and about making an impact on the planet at this time.
I will guide you through a powerful shamanic process that will link you up with your own sources of power, regardless of what path you may be on.
I will also be hosting a live Q&A, so please bring your questions about shamanism, life direction, soul purpose and vision quest with you.
Here is what one of the participants had to say after she completed a shamanic Soul Purpose course with me.
“I’ve reclaimed my place in the circle of life. Thanks to this course, I now have the tools and practices to keep myself healthy and grounded on my spiritual path. I’ve launched my own successful consultancy business. I could not have done this without Beth’s mentorship and support.”
~Lesley H., Santa Cruz, California